2015 American Culinary Federation National Convention

Cook. Craft. Create. Convention & Show

July 15–July 19, 2016

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JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix’s bold nature shines through with unique cultural eats, breathtaking sunsets against rugged mountains and a gateway to the Grand Canyon. Visit Arizona’s urban heart for educational and engagement opportunities that will build off the ChefConnect series and provide a revitalizing experience for members, foodservice professionals, students and competitors. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a student new to the kitchen, Cook. Craft. Create. offers something for everyone. Mark your calendars and get ready for this amazing convention in Phoenix!


1 commentaire

  1. Jo, I would love to really explore your site/s but they take so long to load into my browser even at my 40mg broadband speed?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. 🙂


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